There a
re creepy crawlies and then there are aggressively tenacious, flying feeders. Like some freakish, ghouly set up, it’s the plague arrival of mosquitos, just in time for Halloween. Yes, those hungry, giant, blood sucking stingers. Dinner is served. Job’s on.
Their attack is relentless. Fearless of the slap down, just trying to quench their thirst. Solo or in pack form, you’re brunch.
For all you ‘guising’ ghouls and ghosts, remember to guard yourselves well and prepare for an epic combo of costumes, candy, tricks, apple bobbing, slaps, itches and bug spray.
For everybody else, check all around your property for any areas that you might be helping to contribute to the breeding grounds of mozzies. So much rain has created the perfect blood sucker storm. Tip out any receptacles holding water.
Coiled Jack-o’-lanterns? Now there’s an idea.
Just keep swatting,