Beware the pie in the sky

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Time to sell up.
But which rooster to entrust your sale? Who’s feathers were the most eye catching? Who crowed the biggest, loudest decimals? Who strut their stuff and who promised the best outcome for you? You choose. You list. You’re dreaming of packing boxes, moving, setting up your new place.
You religiously polish and preen and open your private world to every Tom, Dick & Harry. Every. Second. Saturday. You do this dance of inconvenience for 13 whole months. Your day dream bubble reads “I’d really like to have my weekends back to myself now.” You. Wish.
As time goes on, so do price adjustments. Down. Where is the market? It’s gone AWOL. You go on scratching your head. How could that cock get this so wrong? You consider trying another rooster.
You attempt styling up your own property description. “Perhaps I can help myself?” Eenie, meenie, miney, mo, catch a buyer by the toe. But no. You’re tired. You’ve had enough. Inevitably, you pull the rooster’s pin. He. Never. Speaks. To. You. Again. There will be no cliche cleanskin bottle of wine or Christmas card for you!
You hear about another bird that might just get you sold. Well versed and fun, yet seasoned and wise. “Let set this right” she says, “and get you going on your way, before we get too old!”.
A realistic price. Reasonable marketing/advertising. A few weeks. Possibilities. Interest swells. An unconditional sale, at asking, in a couple of months. Saved on fees. Done. Dusted. Finally, you can move on.
So, if you’re selling, or considering,
be sure to steer away from spin.
For if you fall in for ‘the trick’,
your nest egg won’t be half as schmick.
PRICE it right, PRESENT it well and in good time your coop will SELL.
Moral of the story: Beware the pie in the sky. Baked by the costly, purposely, price inflating rooster! Always demand evidence of recent comparable sales for your property. Don’t fall for listing with the agent that gives you the ‘highest price’ on appraisal. In this case around $100,000 over inflated. The price may sound good, of course, we all want the most we can get for our properties, but without comparable evidence, it may be that it is unlikely to be achieved. Once listed, recommendations for downward price adjustments commonly come swiftly from these roosters. Once you’ve committed and signed, you’re stuck for the term. Agent appraisals are merely OPINIONS and some agents may inflate them just to get your business. It’s time to wise up. Question hefty marketing and advertising expenses. In this case, almost $5000 was wasted. Kapow!

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